LLSR API - Shopping Cart API Specification and Examples

Note that the methods in this API require authentication to use them. Visit the Authentication API for more informtion.

Root Nodes

/cart           Shopping Cart API root node
/cart/orders    The set of all orders



Details of orders previously committed via the shopping cart API can be queried through the orders node. The following example shows how the /cart/orders endpoint is used to achieve this:

GET /cart/orders/ABC123 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.skilouise.com

In this example, a query on the order ABC123 might generate the following JSON-encoded result:

      "description":"Test Product",
      "date_committed":"Jan  6 2021 09:16:30:310AM",
      "date_available":"Jan  6 2021 09:16:30:310AM",
      "outlet_name":"Test Store",
      "description":"Test Product 2 - Advance Purchase Only",
      "date_committed":"Jan  6 2021 09:16:31:211AM",
      "date_available":"Jan  7 2021 12:00:00:000AM",
      "outlet_name":"Test Store",


If the order ABC123 did not exist, the following error result would be generated:

    "message":"Order could not be retrieved/does not exist"


Orders that do not already exist in the system are automatically published through an update. For further details, see the Updating section.


Committing Orders

Once a customer has placed an order, the Shopping Cart API must be called for each item in the customer's order. The following example shows how the /cart/orders endpoint is used to achieve this:

POST /cart/orders/ABC123/items HTTP/1.1
Host: api.skilouise.com


In this example, 2 items of ID #999 are added to the order ABC123.

If no order ABC123 exists, the order will be created, and 2 items of ID 999 added to it.

If successful, the following JSON-encoded result would be generated:



    "message":"Failed to commit order item"

Redeeming Orders

Upon receiving the order, sales staff can mark an item on that customer's order as purchased by updating that item's endpoint:

POST /cart/orders/ABC123/items/999 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.skilouise.com


In this example, 1 item of ID #999 is marked as redeemed on order ABC123, by employee 43 at location 76. This would leave 1 of 2 remaining for future redemption (unless the other item #999 had already been collected prior).

Note that the item ID is distinct from its SKU. Item IDs can be obtained by reading the /cart/orders endpoint; see the Reading section for further details.

Note also that employee and location IDs are outlet-dependent.

If successful, the following JSON-encoded result would be generated:



    "message":"Failed to redeem order item"

Locking Orders

Due to the possibility of redeeming orders at multiple locations and/or outlets simultaneously, it is strongly recommended that all applications using the Shopping Cart API lock order before redeeming any part of them (to prevent race conditions/duplicate redemptions).

POST /cart/orders/ABC123 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.skilouise.com


In this example, order ABC123 is locked by employee 43 at location 76.

Note also that employee and location IDs are outlet-dependent.

If successful, and the order is not already locked, the following JSON-encoded result would be generated:


On failure, or if the order has already been locked, the result would be:

    "message":"Failed to lock order"

Applications that fail to acquire a lock on the order they are trying to redeem should not proceed with redemption until they are able to successfully acquire a lock on the order.

Unlocking Orders

Orders must be unlocked by the calling application once redemption has been completed.

POST /cart/orders/ABC123 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.skilouise.com


In this example, order ABC123 is unlocked by employee 43 at location 76.

If successful, the following JSON-encoded result would be generated:


On failure, or if the order has been locked by a different employee, or from a different location, the result would be:

    "message":"Failed to unlock order"


You can't delete an order using the Shopping Cart API.

HTTP Status Codes

The Shopping Cart API uses the following standard HTTP status codes:

200: OK
400: Bad Request
401: Unauthorized
503: Service Unavailable